Wild Rift Boosting

In-Depth Guide to All Wild Rift Champions

League of Legends: Wild Rift is the highly anticipated mobile adaptation of the popular PC game, League of Legends. After its official release on October 27, 2020, the game quickly gained a massive following, with gamers enjoying the rift smurf (interesting) concept and all of the diverse champions. The game has consistently been updated with new heroes, keeping the excitement fresh for both casual and hardcore gamers alike. In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into all champions in League of Legends: Wild Rift, along with the key dates and milestones of the game’s development.

LOL Wild Rift Journey from Beta to Offical Release

The journey of Wild Rift began with its initial announcement in October 2019. Since then, the game has gone through multiple stages of development, with significant dates including:

  • Wild Rift Beta Test Date: June 6, 2020
  • Wild Rift Release Date Open Beta: October 27, 2020
  • League of Legends Wild Rift Date Release (global): December 10, 2020
  • LOL Wild Rift on iOS: October 27, 2020
  • Wild Rift Pre-registration: September 16, 2020
  • LOL Mobile Test: October 2020

Throughout its development, the Wild Rift team encouraged players to sign up for the beta tests, providing valuable feedback to improve the game. The enthusiasm surrounding the game only grew with each new announcement, eventually leading to its global release and the introduction of all heroes in LOL Wild Rift.

All Champions in League of Legends: Wild Rift

The game boasts a diverse roster of champions, each with unique abilities and playstyles. As of September 2021, there are over 60 champions to choose from. We’ll provide an overview of these champions, grouped by their primary roles: Tank, Fighter, Mage, Assassin, Marksman, and Support.


In this section, we will delve deeper into the tanks in League of Legends: Wild Rift. As the frontline of a team, tanks are characterized by their high durability, crowd control abilities, and potential to initiate team fights. Here’s a closer look at each tank champion:

  1. Alistar is a tanky engage support with strong crowd control and sustain, providing initiation and peel for his team with his headbutt and pulverize combo.
  2. Amumu is a durable tank with strong crowd control and area-of-effect damage, utilizing his bandage toss and ultimate to engage and lock down enemies.
  3. Blitzcrank is a disruptive support with a powerful hook ability, focusing on isolating and eliminating key targets through crowd control and burst damage.
  4. Braum is a tanky and protective support with strong crowd control and damage mitigation, utilizing his shield and passive stun to peel for his team.
  5. Dr. Mundo is a durable and self-sustaining tank with high mobility and damage potential, utilizing his cleaver and ultimate for poke and regeneration.
  6. Galio is a tanky mage with strong crowd control and area-of-effect damage, utilizing his ultimate and taunt to initiate and disrupt enemies.
  7. Garen is a durable fighter with simple mechanics, dealing area-of-effect damage and executing low-health enemies with his ultimate.
  8. Gragas is a tank with strong crowd control and burst damage potential, utilizing his barrel roll and explosive cask to initiate and disrupt enemies.
  9. Leona is a tanky engage support with strong initiation and crowd control, utilizing her solar-themed abilities to lock down enemies and provide tankiness for her team.
  10. Malphite is a tank with strong engage potential and area-of-effect damage, utilizing his ultimate to initiate and deal massive damage to enemies.
  11. Nautilus is a tanky support with strong crowd control and initiation, utilizing his anchor and ultimate to engage and peel for his team.
  12. Rammus is a tank with high mobility and strong crowd control, utilizing his powerball and taunt to lock down enemies and initiate fights.
  13. Shen is a tanky support with strong utility and global presence, utilizing his teleport and ultimate to provide shielding and protection for his team.
  14. Singed is a durable tank with high mobility and area-of-effect damage, utilizing his poison trail and fling to deal damage and disrupt enemy positioning.
  15. Sion is a durable tank with strong crowd control and area-of-effect damage, utilizing his ultimate and charge to engage and disrupt enemies.
  16. Taric is a tanky support with strong sustain and crowd control, utilizing his dazzle and ultimate to engage and protect his team.
  17. Thresh is a versatile and play-making support with strong crowd control and initiation, utilizing his hook, flay, and lantern for engage and disengage opportunities.


In this section, we will delve deeper into the fighters of League of Legends: Wild Rift.

  1. Camille is a mobile and versatile fighter with high dueling potential, excelling at picking off key targets.
  2. Darius is a relentless juggernaut who punishes enemies with powerful damage-over-time effects and executes them with his ultimate.
  3. Diana is a  bursty melee fighter who excels at diving into the enemy backline and eliminating high-priority targets.
  4. Fiora is a duelist with high damage output and mobility, focusing on finding and exploiting enemy weak points.
  5. Gangplank is a versatile fighter with powerful area control abilities, utilizing explosive barrels to deal massive damage.
  6. Garen is a durable fighter with simple mechanics, dealing area-of-effect damage and executing low-health enemies with his ultimate.
  7. Illaoi is a juggernaut who summons tentacles to deal damage and heal herself, excelling in extended fights.
  8. Irelia is a mobile and agile fighter with high outplay potential, utilizing her abilities to dash around the battlefield and disarm enemies.
  9. Jarvan IV is an initiator and team-fight disruptor with a strong engage tool and an ultimate that creates a terrain-based obstacle.
  10. Jax is a scaling melee fighter with exceptional dueling and split-pushing capabilities, becoming a late-game powerhouse.
  11. Lee Sin is a highly mobile and mechanically intensive fighter with high outplay potential and strong early-game impact.
  12. Nasus is a scaling juggernaut who gains strength over time by last-hitting minions, becoming a late-game threat.
  13. Olaf is a relentless berserker with high damage output and immunity to crowd control effects when activating his ultimate.
  14. Renekton is a lane bully and early-game powerhouse with strong crowd control, sustain, and burst damage potential.
  15. Riven is a highly mobile and combo-based fighter with the potential to deal massive damage and execute enemies.
  16. Shyvana is a hybrid fighter who transforms into a dragon, gaining increased durability and area-of-effect damage abilities.
  17. Tryndamere is a split-pushing and dueling champion with a powerful ultimate that grants temporary immunity to death.
  18. Vi is a hard-engaging bruiser with strong single-target damage and crowd control, excelling at diving enemy carries.
  19. Wukong is a versatile and mobile fighter with stealth and cloning abilities, providing strong engage and disruption in team fights.
  20. Xin Zhao is an early-game duelist with high single-target damage output, excelling at isolating and eliminating key enemies.
  21. Yorick is a split-pushing juggernaut who summons ghouls and a powerful Maiden to aid him in pushing lanes and sieging objectives.
  22. Zed is a highly mobile and mechanically intensive assassin-fighter hybrid, with the potential to eliminate high-priority targets in the blink of an eye.


In this section, we will delve deeper into the Mages of League of Legends: Wild Rift.

  1. Ahri is a mobile mage-assassin hybrid with high burst damage and crowd control, excelling at picking off key targets.
  2. Anivia is a control mage with strong area-of-effect damage and zoning capabilities, using her ice-themed abilities to shape the battlefield.
  3. Annie is a burst mage with a powerful area-of-effect stun and the ability to summon a fiery bear for additional damage and zoning.
  4. Aurelion Sol is a unique mage with a focus on positioning, utilizing orbiting stars to deal sustained area-of-effect damage.
  5. Azir is a high-skill-cap mage who summons sand soldiers to deal damage from range and create strategic advantages.
  6. Brand is a high burst damage mage with area-of-effect abilities and a focus on setting enemies ablaze with his passive.
  7. Cassiopeia is a sustained damage mage with high single-target damage output, utilizing poison-based abilities and crowd control.
  8. Fiddlesticks is a mage-jungler hybrid with strong crowd control and sustain, utilizing fear and surprise to engage enemies.
  9. Heimerdinger is a zone control mage who summons turrets and gadgets to push lanes and control areas of the battlefield.
  10. Karthus is a mage with global presence, utilizing his ultimate to deal damage to all enemies on the map and a focus on sustained damage.
  11. Kennen is a versatile mage with strong engage potential, utilizing electrical abilities to stun enemies and deal area-of-effect damage.
  12. LeBlanc is a highly mobile and deceptive mage-assassin hybrid, capable of high burst damage and outplaying opponents.
  13. Lissandra is a control mage with strong crowd control and initiation capabilities, utilizing ice-themed abilities to lock down enemies.
  14. Lux is a long-range mage with a focus on skill shots, providing high burst damage, crowd control, and utility to her team.
  15. Malzahar is a control mage who excels at locking down enemies with his suppressive ultimate and utilizing minions to push lanes.
  16. Morgana is a versatile mage with a balance of crowd control, utility, and damage, providing strong engage and disengage options.
  17. Orianna is a utility-focused mage with strong area-of-effect damage and crowd control, utilizing her ball to control the battlefield.
  18. Seraphine is a supportive mage with a focus on crowd control, utility, and healing, providing unique benefits to her team.
  19. Swain is a battle mage with strong sustain and crowd control, excelling in extended fights and skirmishes.
  20. Syndra is a high burst damage mage with strong crowd control, utilizing her spheres to deal damage and manipulate enemy positioning.
  21. Twisted Fate is a versatile mage with global presence, providing strong wave clear, crowd control, and map pressure.
  22. Veigar is a scaling mage who gains ability power over time, dealing massive burst damage with his stacking mechanics and powerful ultimate.
  23. Ziggs is a long-range poke mage with strong area-of-effect damage and turret destruction capabilities, excelling at sieging objectives.
  24. Zilean is a utility-focused mage with strong crowd control, providing speed boosts, crowd control, and a powerful revive ultimate.
  25. Zoe is a highly mobile and unpredictable mage with a focus on long-range poke damage, utilizing her sleep and portal abilities to outplay enemies.


In this section, we will delve deeper into the Assassins of League of Legends: Wild Rift.

  1. Akali is a highly mobile and mechanically intensive assassin with high burst damage and stealth capabilities, excelling at eliminating key targets.
  2. Evelynn is a stealthy assassin with strong single-target damage and crowd control, focusing on ambushing and eliminating unsuspecting enemies.
  3. Fizz is a slippery and mobile assassin with high burst damage and untargetability, excelling at dodging enemy abilities and executing key targets.
  4. Kassadin is a late-game scaling assassin with high mobility and burst damage, utilizing his teleporting abilities to navigate the battlefield and eliminate key targets.
  5. Katarina is a fast-paced and combo-based assassin with high area-of-effect damage, excelling in skirmishes and team fights when executing resets.
  6. Khazix is a high burst damage assassin-jungler hybrid with a focus on isolating and eliminating single targets, utilizing evolution mechanics to adapt to the game.
  7. LeBlanc is a highly mobile and deceptive mage-assassin hybrid, capable of high burst damage, outplaying opponents, and confusing enemies with her clone.
  8. Master Yi is a high-speed melee assassin with a focus on swift executions and resets, utilizing his Alpha Strike and Highlander abilities to quickly eliminate enemies.
  9. Nocturne is a global-range assassin with strong initiation and dueling capabilities, utilizing his darkness-themed abilities to strike fear into enemies.
  10. Rengar is a stealthy and high burst damage assassin-jungler hybrid, focusing on hunting and eliminating key targets with his ferocity mechanics and unique brush interactions.
  11. Talon is a mobile and high burst damage assassin with strong roaming capabilities, utilizing his parkour and stealth abilities to navigate the battlefield and eliminate key targets.
  12. Zed is a highly mobile and mechanically intensive assassin-fighter hybrid, with the potential to eliminate high-priority targets using his shadow mechanics and execution-focused ultimate.


In this section, we will delve deeper into the marksmen of League of Legends: Wild Rift.

  1. Ashe is a utility-focused marksman with strong crowd control and global vision, providing consistent damage and engage potential with her enchanted arrows.
  2. Caitlyn is a long-range marksman with strong zoning and sieging capabilities, utilizing her traps and net for self-peel and positioning.
  3. Corki is a hybrid marksman with a mix of magic and physical damage, focusing on poke and burst damage with his missile barrages and package delivery.
  4. Draven is a high-risk, high-reward marksman with strong early-game damage and snowball potential, utilizing spinning axes for powerful basic attacks.
  5. Ezreal is a highly mobile and skill shot-based marksman, providing consistent poke damage and a global-range ultimate for finishing off enemies.
  6. Jhin is a unique marksman with a fixed attack speed and reload mechanic, focusing on high burst damage and long-range crowd control.
  7. Jinx is a hyper-carry marksman with strong late-game scaling, utilizing her rocket launcher and minigun for area-of-effect damage and attack speed steroids.
  8. Kai’Sa is a versatile and mobile marksman-assassin hybrid with high burst damage and adaptability, utilizing her evolutions to upgrade her abilities based on items.
  9. Kalista is a highly mobile and mechanically intensive marksman, focusing on kiting enemies and utilizing her oath sworn mechanic for strong engages and disengages.
  10. Kindred is a marksman-jungler hybrid with a focus on objective control and scaling, collecting marks to increase her damage and utilizing her ultimate for temporary invulnerability.
  11. Kog’Maw is a late-game hyper-carry marksman with a focus on percent health damage and shred, providing consistent damage output at the cost of mobility.
  12. Lucian is a highly mobile and burst-oriented marksman, utilizing his dash and ability combos to weave in and out of combat and deal high damage.
  13. Miss Fortune is a lane bully marksman with strong area-of-effect damage, utilizing her double-up mechanic for poke and her ultimate for devastating team fight impact.
  14. Sivir is a utility-focused marksman with strong wave clear and team engage potential, utilizing her spell shield and ultimate for self-peel and initiation.
  15. Tristana is a scaling marksman with strong late-game potential, utilizing her rocket jump and explosive charge for self-peel and burst damage.
  16. Twitch is a stealth-based hyper-carry marksman with strong late-game scaling, utilizing his ambush and spray-and-pray abilities for high area-of-effect damage.
  17. Varus is a poke and crowd control-focused marksman with strong zoning and engage potential, utilizing his blight stacks and chain of corruption for consistent damage and initiation.
  18. Vayne is a late-game hyper-carry marksman with high mobility and true damage, excelling at kiting enemies and shredding tanks with her silver bolts mechanic.
  19. Xayah is a marksman with strong zoning and self-peel capabilities, utilizing her feather mechanics and ultimate for area-of-effect damage and crowd control.


In this section, we will delve deeper into the supports of League of Legends: Wild Rift.

  1. Alistar is a tanky engage support with strong crowd control and sustains, providing initiation and peel for his team with his headbutt and pulverize combo.
  2. Blitzcrank is a disruptive support with a powerful hook ability, focusing on isolating and eliminating key targets through crowd control and burst damage.
  3. Braum is a tanky and protective support with strong crowd control and damage mitigation, utilizing his shield and passive stun to peel for his team.
  4. Janna is a utility-focused support with strong disengage and peel capabilities, providing shields, healing, and crowd control to protect her team.
  5. Leona is a tanky engage support with strong initiation and crowd control, utilizing her solar-themed abilities to lock down enemies and provide tankiness for her team.
  6. Lulu is a versatile and utility-focused support, providing shields, crowd control, and buffs to enhance her allies and disrupt her enemies.
  7. Nami is a sustain and crowd control-focused support, providing healing, poke, and engage potential with her versatile water-themed abilities.
  8. Rakan is a highly mobile and engage-focused support, providing strong initiation and disruption with his charm and knock-up abilities.
  9. Seraphine is a supportive mage with a focus on crowd control, utility, and healing, providing unique benefits to her team through her abilities and ultimate.
  10. Sona is an aura-based support with strong poke, sustain, and engage potential, providing buffs and debuffs to her team through her musical abilities.
  11. Soraka is a heal-focused support with strong sustain and global presence, providing healing and silence to her team while sacrificing her own health.
  12. Taric is a tanky and utility-focused support with strong sustain and team fight impact, providing shields, healing, and a powerful invulnerability ultimate.
  13. Thresh is a versatile and play-making support with strong crowd control and initiation, utilizing his hook, flay, and lantern for engage and disengage opportunities.
  14. Zilean is a utility-focused mage support with strong crowd control, providing speed boosts, crowd control, and a powerful revive ultimate to protect his team.
  15. Zyra is a poke and zone control-focused support, utilizing her plant-based abilities to deal damage and control areas of the battlefield.


League of Legends: Wild Rift offers a diverse and exciting roster of champions, catering to a variety of playstyles and preferences. Its release on mobile platforms has brought the League of Legends experience to a wider audience, as evidenced by its success since the LOL Wild Rift official release date. With regular updates and new champions, gamers can expect Wild Rift to continue evolving and providing a thrilling gaming experience for years to come.

As a player, remember to stay informed about the latest LOL Wild Rift information, such as new champion releases, balance updates, and events. You can keep up with the latest news and updates by following the official Wild Rift website and social media channels. If you’re interested in joining the action, sign up for an account and dive into the world of Wild Rift, where countless adventures and challenges await.